Police search for motive in Conception Abbey shooting

CONCEPTION, Mo. (AP) — A 71-year-old man opened fire at a Roman Catholic Abbey, killing two monks and seriously wounding two others before committing suicide in an abbey chapel, authorities said.

A spokeswoman for the Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese said the diocese did not know if the shootings early Monday at Conception Abbey Benedictine monastery were related to the sex abuse scandal that has plagued the Catholic church for months.

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Noble Simplicity

At age 70, beard white as snow, Father Hugh Tasch looks the part of the venerable old monk. But something has put the sparkle of a fresh-faced novice in his eyes.

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Bishop’s apology welcome response to abuse victims

“The church could take a giant step toward restored health if others found the courage to follow the example of Hanus. For all the hurt that had piled up between bishops and victims, Hanus’ simple remarks were met with a standing ovation.”

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